Just for you

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Still hobbling around

Went to the doctor today--3 more weeks of crutches for this girl.  I got the new orthotics for my shoes (well, shoe and boot) and I need to wear the orthotic in my boot to support my foot as it heals.  Since I have plantar fasciitis in my left foot, the orthotic will help that also.

Sooooo--still no walking or exercise.  Minimal weight bearing is now allowed for short periods of time but I must still keep the boot on at all times and use the crutches to get around.

I figured this would take a while--gotta figur out how to be more productive while not beling able to get wround much.  Hmmmm...........I need a clone.

Here's to the next three weeks.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


It sure is strange to find out that I have been an inspiration to other people.  In the past 2-3 weeks I have had about 3 people tell me that I am an inspiration to them and that they are joining or have joined Weight Watchers because they either read my blog or saw my posts on Facebook.  Go figure that.

On one hand I am surprised and on the other hand I am happy.  That's what I wanted to do--inspire other people to join me on my journey but I honestly didn't think anyone was even reading my blog.

So, here's to inspiration!  Let's toast it with a big glass of water!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Below 190!!!!!!!!!!!

I was so excited yesterday when I weighed-in at Weight Watchers.  I finally got below 190--189.4 pounds. Yesterday marked the beginning of week  8 for me.  6 of those 8 weeks I have lost weight.  Total weight loss is 17.8 pounds--nearly 3 pounds a week.  It's like a dream in a lot of ways.  Finally losing weight.  People noticing that I am losing weight.  Clothes that were too snug now starting to hang too lose.  Loosing inches and pounds. Resisting the urge to go buy new clothes for fear that I will just gain the weight back.

My husband tells me that I look thinner but I just don't "feel" it yet--emotionally, mentally I still think and act "fat". I am slowly learning to change that thinking but it is not easy.  I see differences--lost inches and pounds, clothes that hang loosely on my body, thinner face--but don't feel them yet.  I do physically feel better--I find that the mental and emotional hurdles are a lot bigger challenges than the physical ones are.

Sometimes I find myself wondering if I will ever be able to get rid of the negative stuff associated with being overweight--but I know that I must overcome it in order to reach my goal.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Weight Watchers weigh-in day Friday brought a very pleasant surprise--I lost 5.2 pounds for a total of 16 pounds since January 28th.  I was pretty giddy about that one.

It was not an easy week with being sick.  16 pounds puts me just 4 pounds away from losing 10% of my weight.
That is exciting.

I wish I could tell you why I lost 5 pounds in one week.  It wasn't that I was super good, that's for sure.  My hubby's birthday was the 16th and I splurged on cake for that day.  Tuesday I went out to lunch with a friend and while I didn't go crazy, I did eat more than I had planned on eating.

I am taking a couple of different supplements that I read about in Woman's World magazine--cinnamon,
L-carnitine and acai.  The cinnamon works to stabilize blood sugars and the l-carnitine and acai help curb hunger.Other than the supplements,  the only other thing I did consistently was to drink LOTS of water every day.  I have a water bottle that holds 3 cups of water--I fill it 4-5 times a day.  Water is great for flushing your system but it also helps to fill you up.  Drinking water before meals helps you to eat less.

I ate chinese food last night and still managed to lose a half a pound.  Go figure!

Now that I can see 190 pounds looming in the not too distant future, I am really motivated even more.  When I look back at December 2010 when I hit my all time high of 215 pounds, I can see that I am healthier now.  I feel better and am learning to like who I see in the mirror.  My clothes are much looser and my jeans barely stay up now.  I am putting off buying clothes until I get down to probably 170.  I hate the thought of buying new clothes only to shrink out of them.  What a waste of money.  I probably will buy jeans though because I live in my jeans and the ones I am wearing now practically fall off.

Here's to 190 coming up.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

This is Not Fun

So, I have been down with a cold since Monday and today is the first day that I have felt semi-human.  My husband came home from work last Friday feeling cruddy and he obviously passed it on to me--gee thanks honey.  Sleeping on the couch is getting old.  I am hoping that both my hubby and I feel well enough to sleep in the same room tonight.

On the bright side though, is the fact that I have actually been losing weight this week.  I don't even know why.  It is encouraging.  I am hoping to see a 15 pound loss tomorrow at Weight Watchers.  I would be so happy.

Tomorrow is one week since the doctor put me on crutches.  I am acutely aware of what life with a physical challenge is like.  Everything is affected--grocery shopping, driving, parking lots, "walking".  I am learning how to use the electric carts at the store (boy do I get some looks too--looks like "why the heck are YOU using THAT").  It is interesting to say the least.  I must say that I have a better understanding of the difficulties faced everyday by people with long-term or lifetime challenges.  It sucks.  I am amazed at the lack of awareness in some stores.  Displays placed so close together that it is nearly impossible for a person in an electric cart to get close to displays to look at clothing or shoes or just about anything.  It's sad really.

Here's to hoping that I reach my 15 lb milestone.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Can It Get Any Tougher???

Boy have I had better days (and worse ones too)!

Friday brought quite an avalanche of emotions down on me.

Weight Watchers weigh-in day.  It has not been a good week--weight is up 1.8 pounds.  Okay--I can manage this.  After all, I am going to the doctor today to hopefully get this stupid boot off of my foot--right??  Then I can start walking again and burn more calories.  Right??

WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!  Guess what???  Now, I am on crutches (turns out I should have been on crutches from the beginning and not using my foot at all--smile and don't say anything negative about the first doc who saw you).  What was thought to be a minor two week inconvenience is now an additional 3 week long major interruption.  I cannot work for three weeks and before I can go back to work, I have to see the doctor at the end of three weeks and see if he will release me to go back to work.  I am limited to two hours a day up on my feet.  Walking boot and crutches at all times (shower excepted).

Turns out that I would have been better off if I had simply broken the foot--breaks heal relatively quickly. Ligaments, on the other hand, do not heal so quickly.  YAY me (sarcasm intended).

So now what do I do??  I am injured, on crutches, unable to work out and not losing weight because I can't workout.  AARRRGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am now home all day every day for the next 3 weeks with a lot of food and nothing to do.  This could be a recipe for disaster.  They say idle hands are the devil's workshop but I don't think that whomever coined that phrase was on Weight Watchers and restricted to crutches.  My hands aren't the problem, my head and mouth are the problem.

I have got to figure out how to "get my head in the game".  I am not in a good place mentally or emotionally right now and for me, that leads to eating problems.  I don't want to undo all of my hard work from the past 5 weeks but my head tells me I deserve a snack because I am in pain (you know what I'm talking about here).  Gotta stop listening to my head--easier said than done.

Hang on folks, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Where Did Last Week Go

Well--last week was a blur and I just realized that I never did any blogging.  I guess if I'd had a spare minute, I could have.  It started out withworking the weekend, cleaning house Monday and Tuesday, Kyle getting the call Tuesday that he got the job at Walmart so clothes shopping for him Tuesday night, working Wednesday and Thursday, the youth group having to meet here Wednesday night, worship team rehearsal on Thursday (again at our house), Friday and Saturday we had house guests, Sunday church, Sunday  night church leadership meeting at our house from 5pm to 9 pm, leadership meeting Monday all day, home group Tuesday, hubby doctor appointment Wednesday, kids youth group Wednesday night (at the school instead of our house, and now here I am Thursday morning.

Back to Weigh-in last week.  194.6 pounds.  Pretty good loss after gaining pre-menstrual weight.

Now if only I had been good all weekend and this week, I'd be in really good shape but.........I wasn't and I have gained a couple of pounds--ugh!

I am really battling discouragement because of this stupid foot injury.  I find that my foot hurts more now and I a heading off to the doctor tomorrow to get it re-evaluated.  We will see what he says.

I need to learn how to cope with stress in a better way.  Walking was a stress reliever for me but since I can't do that right now, I find myself making poor food choices to cope with the stress.  Gotta figure this out so I can get back to losing weight instead of treading water.