Just for you

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Still hobbling around

Went to the doctor today--3 more weeks of crutches for this girl.  I got the new orthotics for my shoes (well, shoe and boot) and I need to wear the orthotic in my boot to support my foot as it heals.  Since I have plantar fasciitis in my left foot, the orthotic will help that also.

Sooooo--still no walking or exercise.  Minimal weight bearing is now allowed for short periods of time but I must still keep the boot on at all times and use the crutches to get around.

I figured this would take a while--gotta figur out how to be more productive while not beling able to get wround much.  Hmmmm...........I need a clone.

Here's to the next three weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Vanessa,
    I hope you're doing your chair exercises. I posted a video to give you some ideas.
    You will heal more quickly if you keep your body moving. Especially if you can exercise to the point of being slightly out of breath. Then you will trigger your body to release hormones that speed the healing process.
    here is the video ...
